Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Nothing changes
Disclaimer: All characters and incidents told or inferred in this story are fictious. Though this might appear as a real incident to some persons and they may have experienced themselves, this is completely imaginative. Only the underlying theme is real.
"Who is it?" the voice came from the house. It was the familiar voice. A voice that I have heard for more than 10 years in my young age. I didn't say anything. I just knocked the door again. "Cant you hear that I am asking who it is?" the voice came again this time growing louder. I didn't know how to answer. How should I answer? Should I call her in the same way as "Miss" or should I say "I am here to see Srimagal teacher". I don't know. It's been 12 years since I saw her. The door opened and I saw Srimagal miss coming out with an angry look. She saw me. I didn't know how to respond. I just stood there smiling. She has grown older. But still looked very familiar to me. Seeing my smile, she was confused. She might have thought I am some mad guy. Then she raised her eyebrow and began to think. I couldn't control giggling. She started to recognize me. I said "Miss….." to help her know me. Immediately she knew who I am. She felt happy and called "Dai...Vinoth!". I laughed. I was actually surprised she can still recognise me. She opened the door completely and invited me inside the house. I could still remember the days in which she will not allow me inside her house when I come late for the tuition. Our house was only next to Srimagal miss's house. Whenever I go late, she used to shout the same words, "Will it take one hour to take 10 steps from your house to here for you?" . And I will just look on the floor and the dog on the road. I think this is the first time, she is inviting me inside the house.
She was very happy to see me and started asking questions continuously.
"When did you come to
"How are your parents?"
"How are you?"
"Fine miss"
"How is the work?"
"It's good"
"Where is your mom?"
"In home"
Watching me answer in single words she laughed and acted like being angry "… dai tell something?"
I laughed. "Miss, what can I ask if you keep on asking questions like the one mark questions in Geography"
She again laughed. "Vinoth… you have learnt to talk well".
I realised that I have never answered in more than one or two words before to her.
I just smiled. And this is the first time she has shown happiness in talking to me. I was always afraid of her in school days and will avoid facing her at any time. Even if I had come to her house to play with Tommy, their pup dog, I would run back to my house if she enters the house. And she would shout "Dog came to play with dogs while there is lot to study" "I would start crying and run to my mom who would laugh and say "That's why we didn't buy any dog in our home". Even I would start laughing at that but will try to cry to show that I don't want to be said as dog". My mom will always make me laugh at the end. Only Srimagal miss's mother used to support me. She would say "Why do you have to scold the small boy even on Sunday?"
We just stood without knowing what to talk. "Vinothu!!" a voice came from behind. It was her mother. She identified me even without seeing my face. "How are you aachi?" I asked we used to call her before. "Everything and everyone are fine. How are you da Kanna?" was her reply. The same old reply. Nothing has changed from her. Srimagal miss asked what I was wondering in my mind, "How did you identify Vinoth, ma?" She answered, "I was in the market and saw Vinoth's mom. I was thinking about him all the way and seeing a big person inside our house thought it must be our Vinoth". We all laughed.
"Then I heard that you are getting married. Is that true?" she asked. Srimagal miss started her questions again.
"When is it?"
"Next month miss"
"Which Place?"
"US only"
"American????" she asked shockingly.
I started laughing. "No! no! Indian only."
"Oh! What is she doing?"
"She is my colleague in office"
"Oh great!.......what….. Love marriage?"
I laughed again. "No… no… actually.. yes.. but no. Mom only decided"
"What yes and no?"
"I liked her. But I didn't propose to her. Somehow mom found out and all was decided"
"Dai….. tell me the truth"
"Seriously, actually it's all mom. Not like a love marriage." Aachi also started to tease me. "I know about you. You will never talk to any other girl".
She was true. When I was a kid, I won't feel comfortable talking to girls. Everyone used to tease me for that reason.
I just laughed.
"You have really grown up" exclaimed my teacher.
"Don't praise too much. It's not good for health", aachi stopped her in the middle. Same old sentiments.
We talked for two hours. She was so happy to hear about my work and achievements in US. Tears fell down from her eyes when she heard that I am taking my parents to US along with me and will get settled there. She said that she knew that I will become like this one day. I don't know what to say. I have only heard her scolding me all the time in my school days. She used to say "That I should buy buffaloes and become a shepherd in the future" Aachi used to support me again "Don't discourage the small boy". Today, she is in happy tears hearing about my work. Seeing her, tears started coming out of my eyes too. She smiled and shook my hair. I stopped her from doing that by instinct. She laughed. "You have never changed". I don't like anyone to touch my hair from my childhood. My hand will automatically stop anyone touching my head. We all laughed. After sometime, I prepared to leave. I came out of the house and said good bye to them. Suddenly, some small kid ran past me faster into the house. He almost knocked me down. Teacher started shouting "
I smiled and got into my car. I waved good bye and drove away. Has she changed? No.... Teachers never change. They care even though you never know them.
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6:41 AM
Labels: Aurora Collections, stories, Tales on the rocks
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