Thursday, March 23, 2006

Morning alarm

Today was another day woken by the fire alarm. Thankfully, it went off at 7 AM only. With my mobile alarm set to 7:30 AM I wanted a long sleep before getting ready to the office. Once again, the fire alarm went off waking me up from the dream. I was frustrated rather than worried about the alarm. I stood up, stretched my hands, put on a t shirt, took the room keys and the mobile before walking towards the door. I even combed my hair looking at the mirror as I know most of my house mates would have fresh by 7AM and I dont want to show a sleepy face infront of them. With everything clear, I went downstairs to see that they were disabling the alarm as before. What a day. With the alarm disabled, I went back to the room as if the milkman has been answered.
I sincerely hope that the story of Fox and the shepherd wont come in this case.

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